各位輔大教職員工生: 爾來,詐騙集團無所不用其極,誘騙善良之民眾。本校資安委員會,責成資訊中心彙整相關案例,通報全校教職員生,小心提防與避免上當受損。 狀況一 同仁們近來在學校電子郵件信箱,多有收到下面的英文信件。假藉資訊中心之名,誘騙收信者,提供個人帳號、密碼。 -----------------------------------以下為偽冒信件內容-------------------------------------------------- From: "Fju Mail Nationwide Internet" To: Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 8:18 PM Subject: TERMINATION OF YOUR MAIL.FJU.EDU.TW WEBMAIL ACCOUNT Dear Staff/subscribers TERMINATION OF YOUR MAIL.FJU.EDU.TW WEBMAIL ACCOUNT We are currently carrying out an upgrade on our system due to the fact that it has come to our notice that one or more of our subscribers are introducing a very strong virus into our system and it is affecting our network.We are trying to find out the specific person. For this reason all subscribers are to provide their USER NAME AND PASSWORD for us to verify and have them cleared against this virus. Failure to comply will lead to the termination of your Account in the next 48 hours. Information to send; EMAIL ADDRESS: USERNAME: PASSWORD: Hoping to serve you better. Sincerely, MAIL.FJU.EDU.TW mail Support ******************************************************************** This is an Administrative Message from MAIL.FJU.EDU.TW Mail server. It is not spam. >From time to time,MAIL.FJU.EDU.TW mail server will send you such messages in order to communicate important information about your subscription. ******************************************************************** 狀況二 今年十月中旬,電視新聞報導:檢調單位破獲詐騙集團,查獲大批個人資料。包含總統、副總統及國安單位主管個人詳細資料。 詐騙集團透過各種管道,收集到相當詳細的個人紀錄。除了姓名、年籍、住址、電話、家庭成員等基本資料外,連金融卡號、金融機構帳號也都有。 詐騙集團透過電話,詳細描述個人資料,取信當事人後,再套出金融帳號密碼,將是最新的詐騙手法。 防治之道 政府、金融業者、校方等公務單位,絕不會在電話中詢問相關帳號、密碼。當接獲這一類的電話或e_mail時,百分之百是詐騙手法。請勿理會或回傳訊息,是否報警處理,則視個案自行決定。 資訊中心 敬啟